Hal yang bikin jatuh cinta

Well, ada beberapa hal sederhana yang bisa bikin kamu jatuh cinta. Ga cuma tiap sebentar menghubungi menanyakan kamu dimana dan makan apa. Ga cuma tiap sebentar kirim PAP dan bertemu.

Genggam tangan
Tiba-tiba dia menggenggam tangan kamu. Biasanya enggak, tahu-tahu dia menarik tangan kamu dan menggenggamny erat. Hanya berpegangan tangan.

That night, he suddenly moved to sleep in the bedroom. He never wanted to and always slept on the couch. No matter how much I persuaded him, he wouldn’t budge (Too noisy, he said, someone snores). He slept on top and I was below. I like to toss and turn while sleeping and I’m afraid of falling. Suddenly his hand reached for mine and he held it tightly. I was surprised, because he never did that and tended to be stiff. He slept while holding my hand until I got annoyed, tossing and turning on the bed.

Elus, Urut atau pijat
Saat lo sakit dan rasanya enak banget kalau dielus atau dipijat dan dia bersedia dengan senang hati. Bare minimum sih tapi lelaki sulit sekali mengekspresikannya. Beda dengan perempuan yang begitu dimintai tolong langsung mau melakukan untuk orang yang disayang.

When it happened, menstruation suddenly arrived. I don’t know why, but every time it comes, it’s always on schedule. Every time I have my period, my stomach aches, my back feels stiff, I don’t want to eat, and I feel like crying and getting angry. He, not knowing what to do, has been pacing back and forth anxiously in the living room since earlier. However, he willingly stops all his tasks when I ask him to massage my sore back and waist due to menstruation. Although the massage isn’t perfect, it feels pleasant. He jokes around a lot, kisses my hair and neck, and massages my buttocks enthusiastically. It feels like being loved.

Sentuhan, pelukan, dan ciuman
Sentuhan di saat yag tepat sangat mengenangkan. Pelukan, sentuhan, dan mendadak ciuman menjadi ungkapan rasa sayang yang berbeda.

He was so busy painting the walls, while I tried my best to tidy up the room and cook. Both of us were so occupied that sometimes we crossed paths in the living room. Despite a minor collision, he suddenly embraced me tightly and kissed my forehead tenderly before returning to his activity. I felt a mix of annoyance at having to pause for a moment and happiness that he finally showed his feelings so sincerely.

Ungkapan sayang
sayang, love you, atau ungkapan lainnya untuk menunjukan rasa sayang. Buat beberapa orang mungkin sulit karena love languagenya bukan ungkapan sayang tapi sekalinya dia bicara, bisa bikin meleleh.

Photo by Budgeron Bach on Pexels.com

Yeah, this is not his specialization. He needs a strong push or intense emotional presence for him to express love. Unlike me, who highly values physical touch and emotional expressions, words of love or embraces come naturally to me. So when he says “love you,” it feels like I’m in heaven.

Diperlakukan terhormat
Dibukain pintu, dipersilahkan jalan duluan, dilarang bekerja “ala pria”.

Sure thing! As an independent woman, I pretty much do everything myself. It was a real surprise when he wouldn’t let me help paint the walls and move the furniture. He made sure to open the door for me and everything, which meant a lot and made me love him even more. Now, he’s expecting me to cook him a hot meal, but hey, I really want to do that for my partner and loved ones.

Sapaan di waktu yang tidak disangka-sangka
Yep, mendadak chat cuma buat bilang: bangun, dah siang atau jam segini nih biasanya kamu dah berangkat ke kantor atau udah di bus pulang?

At first, I was the one who text him just to say good morning or “what did you do today,” just to annoy him. But later, he is the one who starts to text and call at unexpected times. Sometimes I feel annoyed, but most of the time, I love it.

Yep cuddle itu sangat menyenangkan. Bisa di sofa sambil menonton tv atau di tempat tidur dengan spooning. Hangat. Saat kulit bersentuhan, oksitosin pun mengalir deras.

Photo by Kampus Production on Pexels.com

I absolutely adore spooning, the intimate act of embracing him from behind, resting my hand gently against his torso and caressing him, feeling the warmth of our skin pressing against each other. Lately, he has taken the lead, enveloping me in his embrace and letting his hands roam over my body. It’s a sensation I relish. Sometimes, he tenderly kisses the back of my head as his fingers explore every curve of my being.